TOO MANY (close whispers)

New Zealand, home, it’s a small place
My family circle smaller, my circle of friends smallest of all

Our voice tiny
I’ve whispered and heard some back
People I love; closest friends, closest family
These whispers I heard
   cherished friend, daughters best friend, sister-in-law, cousin, cherished friends daughter, stepmother, aunt, cousins baby, mother, cherished friend, brother, cousin, daughter-in-law, me, and me again

We are scattered across New Zealand; varied cultures, age groups, male and female
These are survivors I know … of
Violated not by strangers
   family acquaintance, step uncle, couldn’t say, cousin, father, neighbour, couldn’t say, brother, stepfather, family acquaintance, brother, friends step father, family members, step uncle, grandfather

Stark reality
We are ALL someone!